京都府宮津市喜多にある「今福の滝」(京都府景観資産)  “Imafuku Waterfall” in Kita, Miyazu City, Kyoto Prefecture

Imafuku Falls is the general term for waterfalls consisting of seven large and small “seven steps” that flow from the slopes of Sugiyama to the foot of the mountain, with a total drop of 78.2 meters. The main waterfall is a series of waterfalls consisting of two waterfalls and three waterfalls, and it is a powerful waterfall that boasts a total drop of nearly 40 meters. In addition, “Ichi no Taki” and “Yon no Taki” are waterfalls with a drop of about 5 meters each, and “Go no Taki”, “Roku no Taki” and “Nana no Taki” are short waterfalls with small drops. are consecutive.




ドローンによる空からの撮影 (一等無人航空機操縦者)